Editors Note: Detailed coverage of the BOD meetings has been boring to write and probably pretty boring to read. This report and all future reports will be condensed to cover just the more important or amusing actions. There will be more editorial comment added in red.
Owners seeking more detailed information on BOD meetings can go to BCC official website, read the BCC Newsletter or attend the meetings
Open Forum: Questions/comments from owners:
The most amusing question was Sam Slota’s asking: “Why the need to suddenly redact personal information from BCC owners’ files at great expense?” Duh…. It should be obvious Sam; to keep future BOD presidents from (again) running off with confidential owner data.
Board Members Attending: Wilbur Bullock, Bill Brady Betty Francis (by phone), Bev Houston
Board Members Absent: Bill Delaney, Lisa Farinacci, Sean Holland (due to failed Skype connection)
Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Joanne, BCC Manager
BCC Owners Attendees: 22 (est.)
Board Meeting Minutes: Waived reading of and approved May 20 minutes
Treasurer, Screening & Manager Reports: Available on BCC website
Long Term Plans & Capital Improvements: Gordon Houston's interesting report regarding balcony, seawall and roof repairs. Hopefully this will be made available verbatim on the BCC website.
Old Business:
- Bill Brady appointed to organize Rec 2 upgrade of audio/video system.
- Robert Kuznietz named to chair Violations committee
- Walker case still smoldering along, Unanimous vote to add former UCM manager to those defended by B/P due to old contractual obligation.
New Business
- New company to provide employees health insurance as of August 1 (dental new addition) at about the same cost as last year’s.
- Association to foreclose, take limited title and lease apartments at market rate that are in arrears in maintenance payments.
- Association to adopt and enforce all July 1 2010 amendments to F.S. 718. (See link in left column for details of changes.)
- Seawall between buildings 15-17 to be repaired and rebuilt by B.K. Marine & McFarland. $90,120
- A request for a “service” (companion) animal in 6201-1 approved. (*?)
- Swimming pools at Rec’s 2, 3 & 4 to be re-surfaced. $3,500 each.
President’s Overview
The BOD is working harmoniously to solve problems and maintain our property despite conjecture to the contrary. (Paraphrased)
Meeting adjourned at: unknown time, but very late
*Your blogger is not about to put an oar in this (doggy) water but there are apparently strong opinions pro and con. Here's your chance to be heard. COMMENT.
Corrections and comments would be appreciated.
The new FS 718 rules that take effect July 1st will stop anyone who owes ANYTHING from using the facilities. I would guess this means you can't play tennis or use the pool or exercise rooms. Apparently you can't vote either.
What I want to know is - if you dock a boat here and owe money - do you have to remove your boat???
Good question. Maybe some one from the BOD can answer this?
So now anybody with a doctors note can bring another poop producing furball in here? All dogs should get a DNA test so lazy owners can be fined for illegal deposits!
You are soooooo correct....its a federal law (ADA)... that if a person has a doctor's order, a residednt will be allowed to enjoy a dog.
Question: Have you EVER seen any fecal matter that has not been picked up? I am sure the answer is NO!
When the settlement was new,...Lesley Lombardi was seen taking her cat's poo and dumping it by the office, to make it look like no one was picking up after their dog. It seems she got tired of doing that and maintenance NEVER has seen any "droppings".
They rake and mow and have never experienced having to pick upafter the pets.
These same "shallow, evil-spirited" complainers "hate beautiful little children" playing
in the pool as well.
Sorry that people like this............are loveless.......
you must LOVE..to receive LOVE.....
Kindest Regards,
Joyous Burkart
TAFFEE is the most wonderful part of my life. I am sorry for your "LOSS of being LOVED.
go to www.ada.gov to read all about it. we cannot discriminate agaisnt someone, why would we want to? isn't one legal suit enough? why invite others? plus, is it really bothering you that much to have someone have a pet? you must be a really mean person to deny a support animal to someone in need. god forbid you ever get sick and need a human companion/aid. maybe we should deny YOU that opportunity. as for being lazy, when was the last time YOU attended a Board Meeting??!!
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