The Bay Colony Club Board of Directors (BOD) should authorize a whistle-blower reward at their next meeting.
1) The reward should be substantial, $5,000 to $10,000
2) The reward should be given to any individual providing information leading to the arrest and conviction of person or persons:
i) Soliciting or offering kickbacks on goods or services purchased by BCC, and/or;
ii) Vandalizing Association common property or the property of owners, renters or guests located in BCC, and/or;
iii) Embezzling or any use of Association funds for private use or profit, and/or
iv) Theft of Association common property or the property of owners, renters or guests located in BCC.
3) The reward would be prominently featured in BCC’s Vendor Agreements and solicitation for bids.
4) Notification of the reward would be sent to all present and past BCC vendors as well as past non-winning bidders for BCC business going back for 5 years.
A whistle-blower award would:
1) Provide a possible income source for the Association. (Civil action to claw back illicit payments, etc.)
2) Discourage undesirables from seeking BCC BOD seats or applying for BCC employment.
3) Encourage BCC “Security” to keep a sharper eye peeled for illegal activity.
4) Lower BCC expenses and/or improve quality of goods and services bought by BCC.
5) Improve quality of life for most BCC residents.
I am sure we will all be interested in who offers counter-arguments for a reward and what those arguments might be.
Let’s get this on the next BOD agenda!
I think we need to start taking serious steps, as other condos are doing, to do what we can do, to help stop the serious decline of property values. Let's do some research! What are other condos doing to side step the pathetic decline of condo value this market has caused. Aren't there some steps we can take as a community to encourage higher end buyers instead of sinking to a level that we will never recover from? What are they? Our values are plummeting because there is no demand. How do we increase the demand for units at BCC? Let's seriously think about this!! Before it is too late.
An excellent suggestion that the board should take to heart and implement immediately.
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