THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010


Open Forum : Questions from owners on BCC foreclosures (13 bank, 3 BCC); Beth Walker law suit; possible noise dampening in Rec 2; Landscaping Committee; Bill Delaney resignation as V.P.; Betty Francis new V.P.

Board Members Attending: Bill Brady (by phone), Wilbur Bullock, Betty Francis, Sean Holland (by phone), Bev Houston

Board Members Absent: Bill Delaney, Lisa Farinacci

Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Joanne, BCC Manager

BCC Owners Attendees: 51 (est.)

Board Meeting Minutes: Waived reading of Feb. 8, Feb. 11, and Feb. 22 minutes. All minutes approved unanimously.

Reports: President’s: Buildings 3 & 4 re-rated for flood insurance, Rules & Regulations and Community Relations Committees started up, BCC Newsletter reinstated and opinion poll testing owners’ opinions on various matters to be circulated.
Treasurer: Available on BCC website.
Screening: 3-leases, 5-sales, 1- 2nd occupant
Community Relations: Several possible activities discussed, i.e. garage sale, welcome wagon, educational speakers. Committee is seeking owner input.
Security, Rules & Regulations: SUVs with a short truck bed, towing of illegally stored vehicles and deliveries discussed. Upcoming poll to test owners’ opinions on these and other matters.
Manager: Presently 136 dock leases, 2 slips A dock and 2 finger slips available. 

Old Business: Update on Legal Matters: Beth Walker suit over pest control still pending. CCG cable consulting contract going to arbitration. (Sam Slota signed contract without BOD or owners’ knowledge. BOD prompted by Saundra Zubko approved a $60,000 payoff. Zubko later upped to $62,500.) It was pointed out (again) that the prior BOD’s last minute approval to settle with cable consultant CCG appeared to legitimize the illegal Slota signed contract. Prior BOD’s approval made any legal challenge to CCG contract and subsequent 10 year Comcast contract difficult if not impossible.
Attempted retrieval of personal information on 9 owners copied by Zubko underway.

New Business: Ice Machine: The “emergency expenditure” for ice machines approved by 5 prior Board members without Board discussion or vote was not ratified. A $10,000 order for 2 undelivered machines was cancelled. Machines made crushed ice, not cubes and were not designed for outdoor installation. One machine was installed in Rec 1 (just in time for a Super Bowl party). Vendor refuses to take back the one machine installed, and the five approving prior BOD members will be billed for its $5,000 cost.
Rec 2 Plumbing Repairs: Contractor selected unanimously.
Tree Trimming: Corrective pruning required for 192 canopy trees at a cost of $15,000 to $27,000. Pruning and costs will be divided over 2 years. Approved unanimously. 12 trees need replacement, $3,500 including additional stump grinding. Approved unanimously.
Manager’s Contract: An addendum to be added to manager’s contract suspending a provision for a 5% salary increase was approved unanimously and agreed to by the manager.
Wage Freeze: Employees wage freeze lifted and a 3.5% increase for all employees with one or more years of service approved unanimously. (Total annual cost for increase $13,000.)
Temporary Workers: Hiring painters for parking stops tabled pending further study. Hiring a 6 month temp for lawn crew at a total cost of $10,000 and a clerk to purge office files ($2,307) approved unanimously.
Rules: Clubhouse reservations and towing illegally stored vehicles tabled by unanimous vote. Vehicles registered as SUV’s with a short truck bed (i.e. Cadillac Escalade, Honda Ridgeline and Chevy Avalanche) will be allowed to park overnight. A bed cover will be required to be in place, gross vehicle weight must be less than 7,000 pounds and no trailer hitches protruding beyond rear bumper allowed. For: Wilbur Bullock, Betty Francis, Sean Holland, Bev Houston Against: Bill Brady

Meeting adjourned at 9:45

Corrections and comments would be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

At this time of economic challenge for bcc community and to maintain a positive financial outlook. Why hasn't the new bcc bod presented, a written legal opinion from the legal consul of record to justify additonal community expense on their personnel position on ccg contractual agreement.The bcc community was $30,000+/- cash positive on a good comcast scope of delivery agreement. DEMONSTRATE TO THE ENTIRE BCC COMMUNITY A BETTER AGREEMENT NOT JUST RHETORIC AND A NEW BOD PERSONEL AGENDA.

Anonymous said...

So, now we know what the varmints (Slota, Zubko, Shelton, Gustafson and Lauth) were up to and how bad BCC owners got screwed.

Where is the posse that will tar, feather and ride them out on a rail?

Charles Pukit said...

If competing formal bids from other TV cable providers (i.e. Direct TV, AT&T, etc.) are made available they'll be put up on the net with links.

I doubt that any formal request for bids went out or that we got any formal bids from other cable companies. If not, it's obvious our great deal with CCG/ComCast was rigged and not in BCC's best interest.

Anonymous said...

I have resided here at BCC now for the last 12 years, and though I have been residing here as a renter, I have kept an open ear to all of the political shenanigans from the back of the room during BOD meetings, and I must say that though some of the board members in the past have had some positive ideas, I have found that most of the legislation has in fact been retaliative in nature and have proven to be premeditative at best. I have recently become an owner and intend to leave my post from the back of the room and get more involved in the positive progress of this beautiful community. When are the owners going to wake up and see just what past and present board members really have on their minds, do they really have the association in mind or just their own agenda. I have been on many board of commissions in the past and have never seen pre authoring of motions and seconds during a meeting. A BOD meeting is meant to discuss agenda items and set motions in real time. This pre authoring is just one proof that personal agendas are in fact premeditative in nature.

The BOD must keep the owners first in their minds, and not what their egos dictate. As an owner now I plan to get more involved in this community, not on a "political" basis, but rather as an advocate for the associations positive progress for the residents of Bay Colony Club. Respectfully submitted, Louis (Bud)Lauer 6303-1