Board members attending: Bill Brady (by phone), Harriet Gustafson, George Lauth, Pete Shelton, Sam Slota, Saundra Zubko
Absent member(s): Wilbur Bullock
Miscellaneous other: John Stevens, BCC lawyer
BCC Owner attendees: 45 (?)
Minutes: 11/12/09, 11/19/09 & 12/17/09 minutes read and approved unanimously (?)
President’s Report: Zubko asked for a motion to censure BOD member Wilbur Bullock for revealing that the Board had (at their closed Jan. 5 meeting) voted to spend $5,000 to hire a private investigator. Censure approved by: Gustafson, Shelton, Slota, Zubko. Against: Brady
Brady offered a motion to censure Zubko for refusing to allow his phone participation in the closed Jan. 5 Board meeting. There was no second for the motion.
Finance Report: Available in BCC office.
Screening Report: 7 leases, 4 sales, 3 second occupant.
Rules & Regulations Report: Rochelle Bisaillon no-show. Report tabled.
Manager’s Report: Available in BCC office.
Old Business:
ADP contract to process payroll was approved unanimously. (Not an agenda item.)
A payment of $60,000 to CCG cable TV “consultants” was approved pending contract review by BCC lawyer Stevens. Approved: Gustafson, Shelton, Slota, and Zubko. Against: Brady
New Business:
It was revealed that the Board had (at their closed Jan. 5 meeting) voted to spend $5,000 to hire a private investigator. Investigator will try to determine source of recent defamatory statements about Board members. Information investigator provides will possibly be used in an Association law suit against BCC unit owner(s). No motion or vote since both done at Jan. 5 meeting.
Adjourned at 8:30 PM (?)
Open Forum: A candidate Meet & Greet was substituted for the open forum. All candidates were asked, if elected:
· Would they outsource BCC maintenance;
· Would they eliminate the private investigator.
All candidates who are currently board members either evaded a direct answer, or said they would consider farming out the maintenance, and would not eliminate the private investigator.
Moderator’s Note: Items followed by “(?)” are guesstimates. Please offer any needed corrections.
Wherever did you find a photo of the young Sam Slotta?
The Board voted to censure the WRONG BOARD MEMBER!
When Sam Slota was kicked out of the meeting by the lawyer John Stevens for his assault on Wilbur Bullock, he immediately called Joyous Burkart on his cell-phone and told her what happened.
She immediately wrote up HER report and e-mailed it out to EVERYBODY! Too juicy NOT to share! ("Firstest with the mostest"!)
In fact, the next morning, she contacted Wilbur Bullock to see if her report was factual and he admitted it was.
Something that DIDN'T come out - after the meeting, Wilbur Bullock went outside; Sam Slota was still standing around outside - they shook hands and both went back inside to sign papers.
Wilbur never filed an assault complaint with the police about Sam Slota's attack, but the next afternoon, Sam Slota contacted the police and filed an assault complaint against WILBUR BULLOCK!!!
How d'ya like THEM apples???
Give one of those immoral/amoral Board members an inch and they'll take the whole damned highway system!
Wouldn't trust one of those Board members farther than I could throw an elephants (not to speak of the whole herd!)
Comments on this Meeting:
MORE money paid to that useless lawyer. WHY WAS IT NECESSARY TO HAVE HIM THERE? Does he spoonfeed this bunch and change their diapers too?
The BOARD should have been censured for preventing one of their own members from attending the Jan. 5 Meeting.
Excuse me - HOW can they authorize a $60,000 payment to CCG Consultants, when it is NOT proved that there is/was a VALID contract?
I think it's despicable that this Board is playing Gestapo/ Big Brother tactics to spy on their own neighbors ("With 'friends' like this, who needs enemies?"). I find it even MORE heinous that they're using OUR money aginst US! (For THEIR own private underhanded purposes ...)
But to look on the bright side of things ... I think they just shot themselves in the foot (or maybe higher up - perhaps a FATAL shot) - I think by doing this, they just lost themselves the election!
I would be very nervous having a "friend" that, IF you pissed them off, they could point the finger and say "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" (figuratively-speaking, of course) and they would throw you
"to the wolves" (the Private Eye) without a second glance.
I think that we will see a brand-new Board, who, IF they're smart, will IMMEDIATELY terminate that Private Investigator's contract, demand OUR money back and demand that any and all information collected be returned and shredded immediately.
Or perhaps, the new Board might use the Private Eye to investigate the Board Members who hired him??? (Turnabout is fair play!)
OF COURSE they will outsource our maintenance!
OF COURSE they will outsource our Office Staff (probably to United Community again - after all, United Community PAID THE BOARD MEMBERS' QUARTERLY MAINTENANCE AND DOCKAGE FEES TO ENSURE LOYALTY TO SUCH A CRUMMY COMPANY! Yes, one of the previous Board members spilled the beans on THIS juicy little item!).
They won't care that United Community took $493,000 out of us instead of the $262,000 they were entitled to! After all, it's YOUR money and they can spend it however they want, while our buildings start to slowly crumble.
It would appear that more of our members need to know the information Kevin reports here. Kevin's comment are most timely, just the sort of information that the community needs to know. Who in their right mind, knowing this, would consider voting for the 5 present board members who voted to hire the PI, Gustufson, Lauth, Shelton, Slota, and Zubko. Folks, this is an extremely important election and could determine the future prosperity for BCC. I'm sending in my ballot marked for Brady, Bullock, Faranicci, Francis, Holland and Houston. I urge you to do the same.
To Anonymous, (like we don't know)
Wilbur Bullock did not............
immediately call me...Joyous... on his cell.
For the record, I called him. He did not relate anything that was discussed (its lawyer/client protected) but he did admit that he was attacked by Sam.
In turn, I thought the community should know why he perhaps didn't attend the next Board Meeting to get attacked again, if someone went into a rage.
I don't blame him.
I did have Wilbur read my e-mail before I sent it out to the community.
After all, I never send anything that isn't factual and I always sign my name.
Joyous Burkart
Pete said ...
Well, perhaps JOYOUS always signs her name ... but WHO is "dinkychuckles"???
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