THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010


The upcoming Bay Colony Club Condo election for Board of Directors gives owners an opportunity to vote in what may be the first honest BCC Board election.  It's possible that we can stop multimillion-dollar no-bid contracts, secret deals, vandalism, and physical assaults against activist owners.  Details omitted from resumes of present BOD members may help you decide who you want on the BOD.  This is the first of several articles providing the missing details.

Saundra Zubko

Among many other actions taken against the interests of BCC owners:
  1. In 2004, Zubko Board President, failed to provide 2003 year-end financial reports to BCC owners.  This violation of Florida law resulted in a fine of almost $5.000 against BCC Association.
  2. Throughout 2004-2005, Zubko, as president of the BCC board, did everything possible to prevent the dissolution of the Special Rec District.  The SRD board was working to dissolve the District, not to make additions and improvements that are Association responsibility.  Using her total lack of cooperation and tactics of then BCC lawyer Ron D'Anna, Zubko forced the resignation of the entire SRD board.  Then, with  Pete Shelton, she assumed control of the SRD, stalled the dissolution and squandered hundreds of thousands of BCC dollars on unnecessary cosmetic changes.
  3. In 2003, as a BOD member, Zubko voted NOT to investigate the "mysterious disappearance" of BCC assets. 
  4. Under Zubko's guidance, rebuilding fire damaged Rec 1 took over a year and cost twice the industry standard  for such a job.
  5. At the Dec.17, 2009 BOD meeting Zubko rejected Rocco Viola's offer to pay all costs for an independent Election Monitor who would ensure an honest February 2010 election.
  6. At the January 5 BOD meeting Zubko led the board in spending $5,000 of our money to hire a private investigator.  He will compile dossiers on "residents of interest" to the BOD.
  • Is this the kind of person we want for our BOD?  
  • What do you think?
  • Anything to add? 
  • Post a comment.  
  • Keep in mind that a comment with your real name has more impact than an anonymous one.


Unknown said...

Charlie P. - you are a very brave man!
To "profile" the current Board incumbents is either VERY brave or ultimately foolish.
You are setting yourself up to be "hit" just like Wilbur was over the weekend. You don't have a boat anymore so that Sam can't throw YOUR dock electric cords in the water, but you srill have a van and a car to vandalize.
I'm sure that the rest of the opposing Candidates are feeling their necks at this point too.
Stay tuned to this channel - all will be revealed. Three weeks today is "E" Day ....... Election Day ...... hopefully Emancipation Day (for the residents) or will it be Execution Day for the whole damned community???????

Pete said...

If this were Iran, it would be easy to see the underhanded tactics employed by the present board as simple procedures required to keep a corrupt administration in power. But this is America, and it is certainly far past time to eliminate these power hungry members who hold way over our community. I strongly urge everyone to vote for a New Board, one that will not be controlled by Zubko, Shelton, Lauth, Slota and their minions. Otherwise our community is going to suffer further damage to our already shaky reputation.

George said...

Ms. Zubko recently posted a notice on many locations around BCC claiming the "wonderful accomplishments" achieved under her reign as queen, I mean SRD & BOD member. To claim that a 10 year contract for a basic analog cable box is "the best possible contract", when we have no idea if cable will even be our best source for TV in this next decade, is delusional. To claim we are "Saving" hundreds of thousands of dollars, without any evidence of alternative bids or proposals defies credibility. It is impossible to believe the claims asserted by Zubko without some form of verification beyond her "word". Zubko and her board make wondrous claims, yet refuse to provide our members with any viable verification for these claims. Talk is cheap!! Vote the bums out!

Charles Pukit said...

Blog comments which are only personal attacks are counter-productive. Comments not making any material contribution are not helping to improve our community, and they make it more likely that folks won’t read through all the comments. There is a huge difference between calling an act idiotic and calling a person an idiot. These sorts of comments harden the defensive positions of the person attacked and put off those more gentle souls among us who HATE controversy.