THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Monday, January 11, 2010


This is the second in a series of articles providing information about 2010 candidates for Bay Colony Club Condo Board of Directors.  This information is intended to help BCC  make their voting decisions.

Sam Slota

Among many other actions taken against the interests of BCC owners:
  1. The Florida department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) has since 2002 repeatedly declared Slota in violation of Florida law.
  2. In 2002, Slota, then president of the Board, imposed a $384,000 special assessment on BCC owners.  In 2003, after a lengthy and expensive trial, the assessment was declared illegal in Broward County Court and BCC owners paid enormous legal fees.
  3. From 2002 to 2003 it is alleged by the then BCC manager and a then member of the BCC Board that Slota was soliciting kickbacks from vendors, abusing BCC's petty cash, stealing BCC property and embezzling.
  4. In 2008 a $120,000+ contract was signed by Slota for  "consultation" on our $2 million plus cable TV contract.  There was no Board discussion and no bids for this "consulting" work.  The remaining Board members said they were unaware of the contract and didn't know the details or the actual dollar amount.  Two Board members wisely resigned at that point.
  5. In 2009, Slota, then Board president, failed to produce 2008 year-end BCC financials.  A violation of Florida law and of a 2005 Consent Order which had imposed a $5,000 fine for the same (earlier) offense.
  6. During 2009 Slota has continuously harassed our Manager and office staff in an effort to get them to resign so more "pliable" replacements could be found.
  7. At the January 5, 2010 Board meeting Slota physically assaulted fellow Board member Wilbur Bullock.
  • Is this the kind of person we want for our BOD?  
  • What do you think?
  • Anything to add?  
  • Post a comment.  
  • Keep in mind that a comment with your real name has more impact than an anonymous one.


Anonymous said...

Mussolini ... "Il Duce" is a PERFECT comparison to Sam Slota!

We all know what happened to that puffed-up wannabe dictator - he ALONG WITH HIS MISTRESS ended up hanging upside down in the town square and people "had their way" with the corpses ...

We still have those Black Olive trees at Rec. 2 - they'd make a GREAT "hang-out" for a little community fun!

Unknown said...

I really can't believe that Slota would have the temerity to run again - especially with how the community feels about him. You mention his name on the street and EVERYONE says, "Oh ... THAT crook!"

Unfortunately, they HAVE to run and they MUST win. They are DESPERATE to win and they'LL do every underhanded nasty trick in the book to do so.

There will be Voter Fraud again, I'm sure, with a stuffed Ballot Box.

I'm sure there will be vandalism, terrorism, intimidation - whatever it takes to win.

They could even break into the office and steal the Ballot Box, steam open the envelopes and substitute their OWN ballots in the legitimate envelopes.

If they DON'T win, a new Board will investigate just what they've been up to for the past two years and we could see the lot being led out of BCC in handcuffs.

Wouldn't that be delightful?

I would suggest a community-wide Block Party stretching from the gatehouse to the Intracoastal to celebrate.


Anonymous said...
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Charles Pukit said...

Blog comments which are only personal attacks are counter-productive. Comments not making any material contribution are not helping to improve our community, and they make it more likely that folks won’t read through all the comments. There is a huge difference between calling an act idiotic and calling a person an idiot. These sorts of comments harden the defensive positions of the person attacked and put off those more gentle souls among us who HATE controversy.