THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

All comments (both pro and con) are welcome and can be signed or anonymous.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


PoisonSign As previously reported in RESIGNATION, RECALL OR RECEIVERSHIP FOR BAY COLONY CLUB? “Wilbur Bullock has (in your blogger's opinion) proven to be an incompetent, incapable and undesirable Director.”  As a Director, I am fully committed in my fiduciary duty to BCC owners. It’s my obligation, therefore, to inform you that our investments in BCC are threatened and our Association expenses face a significant and unnecessary increase due to Bullock. Residents and owners who care about BCC’s welfare and their own wallets should work for Bullock’s immediate resignation.

Here are some of Bullock’s errors and omissions:

1. Was responsible for failing to file a response in a law suit. [See footnote (A)*] This resulted in an immediate summary judgment of Default. BCC now faces the possibility of paying hundreds of thousands in legal fees and/or fines.
2. Refused to share legal info with other BOD members, preventing them from providing a safety backup for his lack of diligence. (See #1 above.)
3. Prevented extremely well-qualified Gordon Houston from joining the even-numbered and grid-locked BOD. (Bullock is ignoring BCC’s well being so he can continue to control the BOD.)
4. Failed to control BOD meetings, allowing verbal brawls, disruptive out-of-order comments and general mayhem at Board meetings.
5. Ordered all employees not to discuss BCC’s security. This order is in defiance of a unanimous Nov. 15 BOD vote authorizing an analysis of BCC’s security.
6. Failed to provide any BOD leadership, leaving a 9 month history of endless haggling and no resolution. (i.e., BCC’s needed Rules and Regulations update; resolution of AC leaks; and constant repairs to ceilings, etc.)
7. Allowed only his pet items on Board meeting agendas, refusing input from other BOD members.
8. Demonstrated (repeatedly) a lack of emotional restraint and intellectual control. This is a minimum requirement for BOD members managing a $2.5 million annual budget. As one example, you may listen to the 11/15 message Bullock left on an answering machine. Just click on the rectangle with the “>” below. (May take a few  seconds to download, depending on your connection speed.) WARNING: RECORDING CONTAINS BAD LANGUAGE. MAY BE UNSUITABLE FOR CHILDREN.

(A)* Footnote available as 1st “Comment”. Click on “Click Here” below.

Blog readers are invited to add to this list of Bullock’s failures in “Comments”.

Please print a copy of this for friends or neighbors who may not have a computer.


Monday, November 29, 2010


BCC's Board of Directors is hopelessly grid-locked by an even numbered Board membership.  Half is determined to block the "Other Side" regardless of damage to BCC.  Will there ever be a quorum for a future meeting of this Board?  Unlikely.  If they meet, nothing will be accomplished for the community.  

Florida law offers three possible solutions: a resignation, a recall or a court appointed Receivership.  Click on:   
(The initial steps necessary to post a NOTICE OF INTENT TO APPLY FOR RECEIVERSHIP are now underway.)

At the Nov. 23 Board of Directors meeting, long time BCC resident and civil engineer Gordon Houston was nominated for the vacant slot in (what should be) our 7 member Board.  After a long speech praising Gordon's intelligence, diligence and contributions to BCC's well-being, Board President Wilbur Bullock voted against adding him to our BOD.

According to Bullock, he only voted against adding Houston because; "Houston would vote for the 'Other Side.'"  Other side meaning Nazi Germany?  Communist Russia?  No!  Bullock means fellow BOD members Bill Delaney, Sean Holland and Charles Pukit.  Does this mean that an intelligent Houston would always vote to support the "Other Side" no matter what the issue?  He's certainly smarter and more independent than that.

The BOD is divided into two factions: Brady/Bullock/Francis and Delaney/Holland/Pukit.  As the meeting continued, the Bullock faction voted not only against adding Houston to the BOD, but also against EVERY other motion made.  Despite frothy, long-winded remarks to the contrary, these no votes were made solely because the motions came from the "Other  Side"

As a member of the Board, your blogger has a fiduciary duty to protect all members of the Association.  It is my duty to inform you that:
  1. A lengthy recall attempt and/or a receivership would be an  expensive disaster for BCC, and;
  2. Wilbur Bullock has (in your blogger's opinion*) proven to be an incompetent, incapable and undesirable Director.  Bullock should resign from the BOD immediately, so we can get on with BCC's business.
*Details (specific Bullock failures plus recorded audio proof) upcoming in a "Bullock" article.  Look for this article in the near future.

Please print a copy of this article to share with friends and neighbors who don't have a computer.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Total # 2 BR for sale:  20

High        $299,900
Low        $163,777
Median    $219,490

Sold 2 BR YTD:  17      LP/SP*         Days on Market

High        $275,000         102%              450
Low         $130,000          65%                90
Median    $165,000          91%               175

Total # 1 BR for sale:  4

High       $112,500
Low        $ 85,900
Median   $ 91,750
Sold 1 BR YTD:  12        LP/SP*         Days on Market

High: $117,000                97%                       42
Low: $ 82,500                 83%                       30
 Median: $ 88,250            90%                     207

*LP/SP = Sales Price divided by Listing Price, or what % of the listing price was actually paid.

Information provided by Marge Matinale, Lic. Associate Broker, Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate, 954-298-2527, fax: 954-771-7367, email:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bay Colony Club Condo Blog Lives!

Sorry about the lack of recent updates, but your blogger has been busy...  being appointed to the Board....  being elected to President of the BOD... being unelected to the Presidency of the BOD.  It boogles the mind and takes a lot of time.

Anyway, the blog is  not dead and there is lots of really interesting, incredible stuff upcoming  Even a couple of laughs perhaps, for those of you with a sense of humor.

Stay tuned for alarming, hilarious, incredible revelations upcoming!  Secret Board stuff that they don't want you to know about!  Candid opinions by BOD members that you never get to hear!  Inside peeks into totally vacuous minds!  All brought to you by the BCC Blogger.

It ain't going to be dull! 


Friday, November 5, 2010


Called to order:  7:10

Board Members Attending: Bill Brady, Wilbur Bullock, Betty Francis, Sean Holland

Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Joanne, BCC Manager

BCC Owners Attendees: 47 (est.)

Fill Board Vacancy:  A motion was made by Bill Brady to appoint Danielle Harrell to fill one of the two vacancies on the BOD.  Yes: Brady, Bullock   No: Francis, Holland   Motion failed.

Acceptance of Bev Houston’s Resignation from BOD:  (Not on agenda.)  Motion made by Holland, approved unanimously.  Brady unanimously voted in to fill BOD’s Secretary position.

Board Meeting Minutes: Waived reading of September 16 and 30 minutes.   Approved unanimously.

Reports: Capital Improvements: Gordon Houston gave an update on seawall repair and our roofs.  (See BCC website for details.)

Screening:  (See BCC website for details.)

Manager:  12 units in bank foreclosure, 22 in collection with attorney.  Rec vandalized. (See BCC website for additional details.) 

Old Business:  

Rec 1 Ice Machine: Brady made motion to rescind charges against prior BOD members for illegal purchase of ice machine.  Yes: Brady, Bullock  No: Francis, Holland  Motion failed.  More on this in an upcoming blog editorial.

New Business:

2010 Audit:  A previously used audit firm (DeCrecenzo) was unanimously voted to perform the 2010 audit.

2011 Monthly Accounting:  The contract with our existing accounting firm ($3,200 per month) was renewed for 2011.  Unanimous approval.

Verbal Communication BCC Attorney/ BOD Members:  a (undecipherable) motion was made resulting in a tie vote.  Yes Francis, Holland   No: Brady Bullock  Motion failed.

Rules & Regulations:  Tabled.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 

Open Forum (8:33-?)
For the most part, the usual nit picking and/or very lengthy comments from folks enamored with their own voice. 

Corrections and comments would be appreciated.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Total # 2 BR for sale: 18
High         $299,900
Low          $163,777
Median      $219,495

Sold 2 BR YTD:  15      LP/SP*         Days on Market

High         $275,000          102%                450
Low          $130,000            65%                   90
Median      $157,500           90%                168

Total # 1 BR for sale:  3

High       $113,500
Low        $ 85,900
Median    $ 93,500

Sold 1 BR YTD:  11       LP/SP*         Days on Market

High:    $117,000                97%                      42
Low:      $ 82,500                83%                      30
Median:  $ 88,250                91%                     207

= Sales Price divided by Listing Price, or what % of the listing price was actually paid
Information provided by Marge Matinale, Lic. Associate Broker, Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate, 954-298-2527, fax: 954-771-7367, email:

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Board Members Attending - Bill Brady, Wilbur Bullock, Betty Francis, Sean Holland (by phone), Bev Houston

Board Members Absent  -  Bill Delaney

Miscellaneous Other Attendees  - Joanne, BCC Manager

BCC Owners Attendees - 38-60 (various estimates)

Board Meeting Minutes -  Reading of 6/24 and 7/22 minutes waived.  7/24 minutes amended to state “40 hour/week = Full-time employee eligible for health care.”  Passed unanimously.


President - Port Royale Redevelopment plans.  (No information available to blogger.) 
Treasurer -  Available on BCC website. 
Screening - 13 leases, 3 sales, two 2nd occupant
Manager  -  Available on BCC website 
Long-Term Planning & Capital Improvements -   Available on BCC website 

Old Business

Walker Case - Voted to settle, with BCC paying their share (?) of $12,500. Passed unanimously.
Collections - Action to collect past due assessments (Including foreclosure) from 6223-4 and 6411-1 passed unanimously.
Seawall Change Orders - Ratified Change Order for removal of 12 old pilings @ $200.00 each and a Change Order to remove and replace 10 regular wooden pilings at $850.00 each. Total cost $10,900 payable to BK Marine. Passed unanimously.
Tree Trimming & Replacement - Hire Safari Trees to trim 172 palm trees and 28 yellow tabs, plus replace a dead guava tree and queen palm at total cost of $6,477. Passed unanimously.
Meeting Sound Equipment - Bill Brady’s motion to upgrade and replace present system for $3,740 not seconded and motion failed.

New Business

Service Animal Request - Request from 6353-1 for “support animal” (companionate?) passed. Bill Brady only NO vote.
Entry Carpeting - Replacement of entry indoor/outdoor carpeting in buildings 1-14 at  cost of $3,205.41.  Passed unanimously.
Employee Benefits - Full-time employment must be at least 40 hours/week.  Only full-time employees eligible for all benefits.  Passed unanimously.
Community Relations - Reimbursement of $791.08 for catering, entertainment and supplies for past parties. Passed.  For: Wilbur Bullock, Bev Houston, Sean Holland.   Against: Bill Brady. Abstained (conflict of interest): Betty Francis

Meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm.

Open Forum

Mostly about BCC Manager’s contract.

Your blogger not at this meeting, so your corrections and comments would be appreciated.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The BCC manager's contract is set to expire.  It is the Board of Directors' responsibility to renew the existing contract or to solicit applications from candidates for the job (including the present manager.)

This is an important decision and I am certain the BOD would appreciate owners' input. 

Your blogger will not venture an opinion on this but owners should feel free to comment.  

Comments are always more significant if the commenter reveals his/her identity.  How about going on the record?

10/13/10 NOTE:  I'd like to remind you folks that the topic here is BCC's manager, not the failings (intellectual, moral, linguistic, genetic) of your neighbors.  Nice to see there is some interest in who manages BCC though. 

Monday, September 13, 2010


Total # 2 BR for sale:  18
High         $299,900
Low          $149,000
Median      $182,000

Sold 2 BR YTD:  15      LP/SP*         Days on Market
High         $275,000          101%                365
Low          $130,000            65%                   8
Median      $157,500           90%                168

Total # 1 BR for sale:  3
High       $115,000
Low        $ 89,900
Median    $ 93,500

Sold 1 BR YTD:  11       LP/SP*         Days on Market
High:    $117,000                97%                      42
Low:      $ 82,500                83%                      30
Median:  $ 99,000                90%                      25

*LP/SP = Sales Price divided by Listing Price, or what % of the listing price was actually paid
Information provided by Marge Matinale, Lic. Associate Broker, Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate, 954-298-2527, fax: 954-771-7367, email:

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Open Forum:
Nothing particularly noteworthy.

Board Members Attending: Bill Brady, Wilbur Bullock, Betty Francis, Sean Holland (by phone), Bev Houston

Board Members Absent: Bill Delaney

Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Joanne, BCC Manager

BCC Owners Attendees: 16(est.)

Board Meeting Minutes: Tabled

President’s: None given. 
Treasurer: Available on BCC website. 
Screening: 2- leases, 3-sales, 1- 2nd occupant
Manager: Available on BCC website 

Old Business:
Walker case drags on.
Swimming pool resurfacing: Costs increased by $500 ($4,000 each) for the remaining 3 pools. Unanimous approval

New Business:
Tree Removal/Replacement one company selected for removal and stump grinding, another for planting replacements. Unanimous approval.

Meeting adjourned at 9:47

Corrections and comments would be appreciated.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


This article was published April 14, 3-1/2 months ago.  It is being re-published because the BOD has not yet acted on any of these suggestions  Changes to the original article are noted with highlighted, red, bold, italic fonts.  It is disappointing that the agenda for the July 22 meeting includes none of the following.  It is hoped that the BOD will consider and act on these suggestions in the near future.

Our present BOD faces an election in less than a year.  While they are in office, they have the opportunity to take actions which will help future BOD’s and prevent the abuses which, under some past BODs, were common.  This is my wish list:
  1. Develop and install election policies to prevent rigged elections in the future.
  2. Install closed circuit video cameras with guard shack monitoring to prevent vandalism and theft.
  3. Develop and distribute written rules and regulations to govern the actions of the BOD. Fine Board members who violate the rules. (i.e. Solicitation for bids and bidding process, abuse of powers, violation of privacy policies, etc.)
  4. Write and distribute a condemnation of the prior BOD for illegal, self-serving and/or ignorant actions. A detailed written and published expose will discourage proven undesirables from future attempts to (again) get on the BOD.
  5. Get rid of the worthless, antiquated speaker phone and install video conferencing so call-ins can hear what's going on and the audience can hear the call-ins at BOD meetings!
  6. Publish and distribute updated BCC Rules & Regulations for unit owners and residents.  (see #3 above.)
  7. Have a serious, detailed cost/benefit analysis prepared on the establishment of reserves.  (For an interesting article, see: 
  8. Act on Gordon Houston's Capital Improvements Report.
Please add your comments & suggestions.

      Monday, June 28, 2010


      Editors Note: Detailed coverage of the BOD meetings has been boring to write and probably pretty boring to read. This report and all future reports will be condensed to cover just the more important or amusing actions. There will be more editorial comment added in red.
      Owners seeking more detailed information on BOD meetings can go to BCC official website, read the BCC Newsletter or attend the meetings 
      Open Forum: Questions/comments from owners:
      The most amusing question was Sam Slota’s asking: “Why the need to suddenly redact personal information from BCC owners’ files at great expense?” Duh…. It should be obvious Sam; to keep future BOD presidents from (again) running off with confidential owner data.

      Board Members Attending: Wilbur Bullock, Bill Brady Betty Francis (by phone), Bev Houston

      Board Members Absent: Bill Delaney, Lisa Farinacci, Sean Holland (due to failed Skype connection)

      Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Joanne, BCC Manager

      BCC Owners Attendees: 22 (est.)

      Board Meeting Minutes: Waived reading of and approved May 20 minutes

      Treasurer, Screening & Manager Reports: Available on BCC website

      Long Term Plans & Capital Improvements: Gordon Houston's interesting report regarding balcony, seawall and roof repairs. Hopefully this will be made available verbatim on the BCC website.

      Old Business:
      • Bill Brady appointed to organize Rec 2 upgrade of audio/video system.
      • Robert Kuznietz named to chair Violations committee
      • Walker case still smoldering along, Unanimous vote to add former UCM manager to those defended by B/P due to old contractual obligation.

      New Business
      • New company to provide employees health insurance as of August 1 (dental new addition) at about the same cost as last year’s.
      • Association to foreclose, take limited title and lease apartments at market rate that are in arrears in maintenance payments.
      • Association to adopt and enforce all July 1 2010 amendments to F.S. 718. (See link in left column for details of changes.)
      • Seawall between buildings 15-17 to be repaired and rebuilt by B.K. Marine & McFarland. $90,120
      • A request for a “service” (companion) animal in 6201-1 approved. (*?)
      • Swimming pools at Rec’s 2, 3 & 4 to be re-surfaced. $3,500 each.

      President’s Overview
      The BOD is working harmoniously to solve problems and maintain our property despite conjecture to the contrary.  (Paraphrased)

      Meeting adjourned at: unknown time, but very late

      *Your blogger is not about to put an oar in this (doggy) water but there are apparently strong opinions pro and con.  Here's your chance to be heard.  COMMENT.

      Corrections and comments would be appreciated.

      Saturday, June 12, 2010


      Total # 2 BR for sale:  14

      High         $299,900
      Low          $169,900
      Median     $227,495

      Sold 2 BR YTD:  7      LP/SP*         Days on Market

      High        $195,000          96%              370
      Low         $130,000          82%                30
      Median     $157,500          90%              203

      Total # 1 BR for sale:  8

      High       $129,000
      Low        $  88,888
      Median    $102,445

      Sold 1 BR YTD:  6       LP/SP*         Days on Market

      High:      $117,000         94%                   42
      Low:       $ 85,000          82%                 375
      Median:  $ 88,450          88%                 126

      *LP/SP = Sales Price divided by Listing Price, or what % of the listing price was actually paid.

      Information provided by Marge Matinale, Lic. Associate Broker, Better Homes &  Gardens Real Estate, 954-298-2527, fax: 954-771-7367, email:

      Saturday, June 5, 2010



      "(4)  Any person who willfully and without authorization possesses, uses, or attempts to use personal identification information concerning an individual without first obtaining that individual's consent, and who does so for the purpose of harassing that individual, commits the offense of harassment by use of personal identification information, which is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
      (5)  If an offense prohibited under this section was facilitated or furthered by the use of a public record, as defined in s. 119.011, the offense is reclassified to the next higher degree as follows:
      (a)  A misdemeanor of the first degree is reclassified as a felony of the third degree."

      DOES SAUNDRA ZUBKO HAVE YOUR NUMBER? (Re-printed from an earlier blog article.)

      Social Security? Drivers License? Credit card? Bank account? Unlisted phone? Date of birth and mother’s maiden name?

      In a February 19 letter*, Bill Delaney, Bay Colony Club Board of Directors V.P., alleges: “Photocopies of your personal information were illegally taken from the office by Saundra Zubko.” Delaney advised: “You need to take immediate action to protect your identity and consider placing a fraud alert and or security block with all of the credit reporting agencies.”   *(To see a copy of this letter, click on “BCC 2010 Delaney Letter” under “Links” in the left column.)

      1. Is this allegation true? If so;
      2. What other BCC owners had information stolen?
      3. Who else knew about this theft and when did they know it?
      4. Who, besides Zubko, has this stolen information?
      5. What action will be taken (immediately and longer term) to prevent future acts like this?
      6. Is it really safe to leave keys to my apartment with the office?

      Hopefully answers will be given at Monday’s Board meeting. Stay tuned for further info.

      6/5/10 Since individuals' personal data was allegedly removed from BCC files without the consent of the individuals, this is a criminal as well as a civil matter.  The BOD investigated and apparently confirmed the allegations as true.  Since the data was under the safe-keeping of the BCC Association, why hasn't the BOD filed criminal complaints against all those involved?

      Friday, May 28, 2010


      Open Forum : Questions from owners on replacing U.S. flag, BCC office charges for notarizing documents, changing BOD meetings day to Mondays.

      Board Members Attending: Wilbur Bullock, Lisa Farinacci, Betty Francis, Bev Houston

      Board Members Absent: Bill Brady, Bill Delaney, Sean Holland

      Miscellaneous Other Attendees: Joanne, BCC Manager

      BCC Owners Attendees: 25 (est.)

      Board Meeting Minutes: Waived reading of April 15 minutes, waiver and minutes themselves approved unanimously
      Reports: President’s, Treasurer’s, Screening, Community Relations, Manager’s are, or should be available on BCC website.

      Capital Improvements Report: (Not on agenda, but voted unanimously to include.) Gordon Houston gave an interesting report on capital needed improvements which touched on roof edge connection improvements (initial estimates $40,000 per building) , seawall repair, balcony and balcony railing repair. Further details and progress reports expected at the next BOD meeting.

      Old Business: Collection Attorney: A new collection attorney was selected to replace John Stevens. Ticket Fine Requests: Outstanding tickets for two residents were negated due to “selective enforcement.”

      New Business: Security Gate Equipment Ratification: A lightning strike required immediate replacement of most electrical and electronic equipment in the Gatehouse. Ratification of replacement costs net of insurance approved unanimously. Swimming Pool Drain Cover Ratification: Purchased due to code requirement. Approved unanimously. Swimming Pool Heater Fence: New code requires fences around pool heaters @ $4,300. Approved unanimously. Insurance Package Policy Renewal Ratification: Details in prior minutes. Ratification unanimous. Rec Center 2 Sound System: Upgrades to Rec 2 sound and recording equipment (up to $3,000) approved unanimously. Smoking Urns: Purchase of two smoking urns ($288 each) for Rec 2 approved unanimously. Request for Bid: Development of a formal written request for bids, including a provision for Whistle-Blower rewards, approved unanimously.

      Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

      Editorial Comment:: Members of the disgraced and repudiated former Board of Directors turned up in full force for this meeting. Their obvious intent was to carp and nit-pick any and all actions of the present BOD. It is amusing to hear the folks who gave away $100,000 of BCC’s money to a “cable TV consultant”, question $5 notary fees being charged at the office.
      It would be in all our interests to attend Board meetings and challenge the lies and obfuscations trotted out by this bunch before they confuse the owners who didn’t pay much attention while their assessments were being mis-spent.

      Corrections and comments would be appreciated.

      Friday, May 21, 2010


      Total # 2 BR for sale:  15
      High        $299,900
      Low         $179,990
      Median    $229,990

      Sold 2 BR YTD:  6      LP/SP         Days on Market

      High        $195,000          96%              49
      Low         $140,000          83%               8
      Median    $161,250          90%              215

      Total # 1 BR for sale:  7

      High       $129,000
      Low        $ 87,500
      Median   $104,990

      Sold 1 BR YTD:  5        LP/SP         Days on Market
      High:      $117,000                87%                    10
      Low:       $  85,000                86%                  270
      Median: $101,000                86%                  140
      Information provided by Marge Matinale, Lic. Associate Broker, Prudential Florida 1st Realty, 954-298-2527, fax: 954-771-7367, email: