Absent members: Pete Shelton, Wilbur Bullock
Miscellaneous other: Joanne Lowenthal, manager
BCC owner attendees: 37 in audience
Minutes: October 22 and November 2 minutes read and approved
Meeting Behavior Rules: It was noted that BCC rules allow fines for obnoxious behavior. No discussion about same rules applying to BOD members.
Reports: (Available on BCC web site)
Old Business:
1. Communications Consultants Group (CCG) contract update: Discussion postponed.
New Business:
1. Rules & Election Committees: Zubko announced her appointment of Rochelle Bisaillon (Rules) and Bunny Schmitt (Election) as committee chairman. Additional nominations not requested or considered.
2. Palm Trees: Replacement of 10 dead or dying palms at cost of $3,705 approved unanimously.
4. Holiday Fund: Zubko announced her decision to revise rules governing holiday fund distribution to employees. She also decided that postcards soliciting owners contributions would NOT be mailed out. (Some owners have set up a card mailing fund and are soliciting donations.)
5. No Turkey Distribution (not an agenda item): Zubko announced that the long-term practice of distributing holiday turkeys to employees was discontinued. (Some owners have set up a Turkey Fund and are soliciting donations. Please click on “Turkey Fund” link in left column for details.)
Meeting adjourned at 7:55.
Open Forum Topics:
Lower pool temperatures, weekend employees on hand, Christmas lights, lawyer’s fees for CCG contract, elimination of turkey gifts.
Thanks to Bev Houston for fact checking and edit help.
What is HRH S.Z.?
"HRH S.Z." stands for "Her Royal Highness Saundra Zubko", of course!
She also has OTHER not-so-nice nicknames in BCC: "The Dragon Lady", "douche-bag", the "PMS Bitch", "Der Fuhrer", "The Empress" - you can add your OWN if you like.
Kinda fits doesn't it?
Joyous Burkart writes:
Please.......generous neighbors, who want to contribute to the Holiday Turkey Fund:
Saundra Zubko "instructed" the Guardhouse NOT TO ACCEPT any envelopes for the Turkey Fund donations.
My thought was: It would be "considerate" and "neighborly" to drop off their donations on their way out the gate going to work. It is a BCC benefit...I was not selling Tupperware!
Please do not ask the Guardhouse to take your donation. I would fear for their jobs.
Call me and I will gladly go out of my way to pick up your donation. (Home: 954-351-9715, Cell: 954-681-0299
After all, the employees are our most important commodity! It’s a small "treat" that they look forward to FOR YEARS. They want to feel appreciated for all their hard work through the heat of the summer, the hurricanes, etc. They are always here for us.
Kindest Regards,
Joyous Burkart
Disney had brought out a new Scrooge move in time for the holidays, and it would appear that BCC now has our very own "Scrooge", what with the recent edicts disseminated by the person now pretending to be president of the association. Ms. Zubko's miserly treatment of our workers is appalling. That we have such a spiteful and mean person representing our association is despicable, and I hope others are as embarrassed and resentful of her actions as I am. I urge everyone to be generous and contribute to the holiday and Turkey fund, as well as hope you will remember Zubko's miserable actions come the next election.
Thank you.
At the meeting of November 19, Joyous asked President Saundra WHY Lenny was no longer coming in on weekends to check the four swimming pools.
Saundra answered that she was cutting out ALL over-time for the employees.
This could be very interesting.
What happens on Boat Parade night when the staff usually all turn out to handle guest car traffic?
Will the cars and guests simply have to cope on their own this year?
Or will Saundra force the employees to work that night FOR FREE under the threat of being fired if they don't show up?
My Grandma had a saying: "Penny-wise and pound-foolish". It would seem that our poor employees REALLY get the filthy end of the Board's stick - NO Thanksgiving turkey, NO Employee Christmas Fund card reminder - NO raises for two years and now NO overtime. To save a few measly dollars (my god - have you seen the decadently obscene menu of Saundra's Christmas Party?), you really have annoyed the residents of BCC who support our employees. Don't you wonder why MORE of us support our staff than support YOU and your despicable Board?
Thank god for civic-minded residents who have supported the purchase of Thanksgiving turkeys and sending out the Postcard reminder. That doesn't bother you at all - it's simply less money out of the BCC coffers. But WHY you would be so mean-spirited in telling security that they couldn't collect donations for these funds is really gross abuse.
Of course - the answer is that you don't give a damn what any of us residents think - outside your bloated little clique.
Saundra, you are one cheap bitch.
I don't know how you can sleep at night.
I think Dr. Seuss patterned the Grinch on YOU. And I'm NOT afraid to sign my name:
Bev Houston
I wish I didn't smell weed every time I go into my hallway, and that my idiot neighbor would move out.....oh yeah and that security didn't come over and light up with him, that would be nice too.
That's all I want for Christmas :)
Are you sure it's not just the Christmas tree you're smelling?
They do smell somewhat alike...
A big "thank you" neighbors, who contributed to the "TURKEY FUND" for the employees.
I was overwhelmed by the support for our most precious commodity.
In deed, the residents do appreciate them and they felt it.
There was enough funds to give each $20 towards their Thanksgiving meal plus...thanks to you all.....a nice luncheon! Luncheon included, soda, pizza, fried chicken, fruit, snacks, and for dessert......Pumpkin Pie......
It was supposed to be held that Weds. BUT the rains came down in torrents and they were sent home. (no pay). On Monday...they all enjoyed the refreshments.
Thank you again, everyone....
Kindest Regards,
Joyous Burkart
I have a full accounting available if anyone wants to view the details.
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