Board members attending: Rochelle Bisaillon, William Brady, Wilbur Bullock, Jason Katz, George Lauth, Pete Shelton, Sam Slota
Absent members: None Miscellaneous other: Joanne Lowenthal, manager, John Stevens (BCC lawyer), BCC security guard
Owner attendees: 62Minutes: June 10 minutes corrected to remove erroneous approval of CCG contract.
Reports1. Manager’s report on BCC official website.
2. Financial report on BCC official website.
3. Screening committee reported 2 leases, 4 sales since September board meeting.
2. Financial report on BCC official website.
3. Screening committee reported 2 leases, 4 sales since September board meeting.
Old Business
1. Communications Consultants Group (CCG) contract signed by Sam Slota September 23, 2008. Contract has not been approved by the BCC BOD. Christopher Merrill of CCG alleges that no kickbacks were involved. Wilbur Bullock will negotiate a buy-out of the 10-year CCG contract.
2. Comcast rebate of $128,000 initially deposited in BCC operating account. This amount (less CCG’s bonus) was later transferred to a money market account by Slota and Lauth. Board unanimously approved all of the above.
New Business
1. BCC contract safeguards requiring that all BOD members be informed of all bids, and requiring two BOD signatures on all contracts. Attachments (exhibits, meeting minutes, etc.) are required. Proposed and passed unanimously.2. A proposal that Katz and Bullock research new auditor for 2009 passed unanimously.
3. A proposal that all BOD meeting tapes be retained for seven years passed unanimously.
3. A proposal that all BOD meeting tapes be retained for seven years passed unanimously.
4. Investigation into obtaining new recording equipment for BOD meetings was approved.
5. Video conference screening for interviews (on 30-day trial basis) approved by all BOD members except Lauth.
6. Motion made and defeated to remove Slota as BOD president. Against: Slota, Lauth, Shelton; For: Bullock, Brady; Abstained: Bisaillon, Katz
7. Bisaillon and Katz resigned from board.
Meeting adjourned at 9:42 pm. (Thanks to Bev Houston for on scene reporting.)
The $121,395 CCG contract violates Florida law in several respects:1. Exceeds BCC’s 2008 annual budget by more than 5% and therefore required bids.*
2. Not voted on and approved by a 2/3’s vote of BOD.*
3. Not disclosed to owners at BOD meeting so they could request a members vote and possibly cancel the contract.*
4. No single board member (including president) can legally contract anything for BCC Association or any other Florida corporation.
*F.S. 718.3026 Contracts for products and services; in writing; bids; exceptions.--THIS CONTRACT IS FRAUDULENT AND SHOULD BE FORMALLY NEGATED BY THE BOD. Should CCG feel they have been damaged they should seek recourse from the signer of the fraudulent contract.
The 30-day trial for video conferencing interviews seems inadequate given slow pace of BCC sales.Please share thoughts with your fellow BCCers by clicking on "Comments" below and adding your opinion.
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