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If there are any defenders of our BOD out there, speak up! Some of them were elected, so someone must have voted for them.
Without voices to the contrary, folks will have to assume the facts are accurate and the opinions are dead on. Just click on "comments" below and join the discussion. If you prefer, you can remain anonymous to us and all the other readers.
Defend the BOD? You've GOTTA be kidding! People who elected these BOD members were standing behind a door when brains were handed out! Well, I'll amend that - there ARE two BOD members who ARE worth keeping ... Wilbur and Bill (although Bill has ticked some people off because he hasn't yet made an appearance at a Board meeting). The rest could be flushed and no-one would miss them.
I'm sorry, but I can't think of anything in FAVOR of this sick-sick-sick Board. They don't pay the slightest attention to their constituents (who elected them there). Of course, come election time, they'll be all over us like a soggy wet blanket, soliciting votes by promising us the stars, the moon, the whole damned universe ... UNTIL (or make that ... IF) they can wheedle their way back on. I'd certainly vote for Wilbur and Bill - they're the only two with any brains or integrity.
Bill and Wilbur - DA
Sam, Pete, George, Rochelle, George - NYET!
I don't see many BOD supporters adding their comments (cowards? shy? nothing to say for their glorious leaders?) - but I'll bet they read everything that's written in here and loathe every word.
No guts - no glory!
A comment from "KevinFlagg" has been moved to the new "Security?" article in the Rants & Raves blog.
I would like to open a discussion. I have a "pet" peeve and would like to have other opinions on this matter.
With the terrible summer heat, I've been walking at night (10-11 PM) and this is what I'm seeing:
Lazy Dog Owners are sneaking their animals out under cover of darkness to the sidewalk grass by the main entry door and letting them urinate there. I drove by these places (more than one!) during the day and there are patches of dead grass where the dogs do their business.
We have a designated pet area behind Rec. 2 for this purpose, but some don't use this (perhaps because they are too lazy to stoop and scoop?), and they take their dogs to what they call "Poop Lane". This is a residential street across Bayview Avenue. I imagine the home owners there just love this.
We went through a lot of legal expense to accommodate these dog owners so they could keep their pets, and again more legal expense when a resident sued to able to toilet her dog on the property. Is this how they pay us back?
They are NOT responsible dog owners. I feel sorry for their immediate neighbors - the odor of dog urine right outside their entry door on a damp night must be overwhelmingly disgusting. It happens too quickly to call Security (and would they pay any attention anyhow?).
Thank god MY neighbors own cats! (No mess, no smells, no barking and no dog hair on the hall carpeting!)
By the way, I am NOT an animal hater; I have owned my fair share of both dogs and cats. It's not the animals' faults - it's their lousy lazy owners!
If more people are interested, a new "DOGS!" article can be opened in the Rants & Raves Blog.
Let's talk about how bad this place looks.... We live in a Great place but take a good look at the HALLWAYS... These hallways look like section 8 housing... Look how dirty the landscaping is in front of the Balconys... Look at the Main Gate... the fornt of BCC looks terrible....We should look just the same way as Bay Colony well groomed....
Reply to Anonymous:
Why would you complain about all this? - we have gorgeous expensively-decorated Rec. Halls as a trade-off! We can't have everything, you know ...
(Gee ... There's just no pleasing SOME people ...!)
Seriously, you are SO right! I don't think that we can quite match Bay Colony next door - after all, those are million-dollar homes and I'll bet they pay a lot more dues than we do, but you do have a valid point. For the past two years we residents have gotten the finger and "short shrift" from this Board of Directors and it's time for a change.
You want to see a beautiful hall carpet? Check out Building 17 - hallway 6467; one of the owners there got tired of waiting and did it himself! - a gorgeous thick rich blue carpet (MY worn, stained hall carpet has faded to a putrid shade of purple - PURPLE! - and it makes me want to throw up!). This owner also put new numbers - BIG modern ones - on the entry door - Emergency vehicles will have no trouble reading them from the road. Maybe we should put HIM in charge of a "Hall Rehab Committee"!?
You can't fault our maintenance crew - they work like stink (with no raises!) - they can only work with what they are given and do only what they are told. Obviously, this Board doesn't like to spend money on anything but their own private agendas. What we residents want doesn't count - but they sure do like to count on our votes for them at Election time!
A comment from Rusty Nayles about the sudden departure of our office temp has been relocated under a new Article "They Did What?!" in Rants & Raves blog.
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