THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

All comments (both pro and con) are welcome and can be signed or anonymous.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

June 10 Board Meeting

Following is a brief description of the most questionable or noteworthy actions taken at the June 10 BOD (Board of Directors) meeting that might interest BCC owners. My thoughts are in bold italics. Please pass the web address on to any BCC owner, resident non-owner or employee you think might be interested in news and views about BCC:

Manager's Report - Cancelled because the BOD didn't want to allow compensatory time off for the manager. By having the manager's report first on the agenda, any compensatory time certainly wouldn't go beyond an hour. Couldn't we spare the manager for one hour during the work week? This seems to be another BOD move to keep owners in the dark. See the Confidentiality and Duty of Loyalty items below.

Finance Report – Audit 2008 - Usual monthly financial report not discussed due to incomplete data. President Slota then attempted to move on to next agenda item. Asked by an audience member why the audited 2008 financial report was not released by its April 30 legally required due date, the BOD gave the following reasons:

  1. Jason Katz thought Pete Shelton was reviewing the audit and Shelton thought Katz was reviewing it, so neither reviewed it, and;
  2. A multi-thousand dollar accounting abnormality exists which has not yet been resolved.

This is a violation of Florida law. Numerous complaints from BCC residents have been filed with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation regarding the delay in releasing the 2008 financial report as well as prior reports. BCC has been fined for past similar violations. If the board responsible for spending our $2+ million annual budget is unable to release an audited financial within four months of year's end, they are incompetent.

New Towing RuleThis agenda item was ignored.

Not discussed or voted on, yet a towing sign is now located at the first turn of the entrance road. Is it legal? Will BCC face more legal fees because of it? Was any consideration from the tow company involved in this action? Are we over-run with illegally parked cars? Are we willing to allow our board to do whatever they want without any discussion or vote?

Confidentiality Agreement for Employees - Ratified. For- Bisaillon, Katz, Lauth, Shelton, Slota. Against- Bullock, Brady.

BCC employees have a fiduciary duty to owners, NOT to the BOD. I believe there are two reasons for forcing this on BCC workers: To keep owners in the dark and to advance the effort by some board members to get rid of our manager and service agent. Those of us who were here in 2004 will recall the serious problems after Slota and associates forced out a manager.

Board Members Duty of Loyalty - An agenda item included by Pete Shelton to protest Wilbur Bullock's "unauthorized" release of the Secrecy Agreement to BCC owners not on the BOD.

Shelton accused Bullock of "unprofessional" and "disloyal" behavior. Shelton is apparently unaware that Florida law requires all condo activity (outside of legal matters in litigation) to be open and transparent. Every Board member's duty is to BCC owners and part of that duty is to be sure that we all know what's going on. Bravo Wilbur.


Anonymous said...

Well done, Charlie. Let's hope other BCC residents add their thoughts and suggestions that can ensure our BOD is acting responsibly and in all our best interests.

BCC Resident said...

This is an excellent presentation for members of the association to post information and read up on all the shenanigans that our erstwhile BOD members are engaged in.

What is with the Tow Zone? This appears to be another "Money Maker" for the BOD, while simply being another threat that they can expose the members of the association to. We need active members who are concerned about the quality of our life here at BCC, and not self centered irresponsible members acting as dictators.

Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Great blog. Being out of town on govt. business keeps me in the dark. At least now I'll have a way of finding out the truth of what's going on. Thanks!

tennisgirl said...

Congradulations on doing the Blog, it turned out very will. Have a nice summer. Jan

Catnip1 said...

Impressive! Looks even better (and more professional) than the "official" BCC website!
The people now have a voice - let's USE it! After all, there's "safety in numbers! Kudos, Charliw!

mustang said...

Makes me wonder what Sam, Pete, George, and Jason want to hide from us. What are they doing? The board Attorney should be terminated for writing the agreement for them.

SandyBeach said...

I hope this Blog terrifies this horrid Board as much as they terrify ME!

XmasCarol said...

Thank you so much for making this happen! I'm a seasonal snowbird and have no idea what's going on when I'm away. Obviously there is a LOT going on. "While the cat's away, the mice will play", only in this case we're dealing with RATS.
Keep posting, Charlie, and I'll keep reading!

Anonymous said...

You didn't say anything about the board taking the summer off and not meeting again until September. So where does that leave the seawall repair? Will that be an emergency no-bid repair and a special assessment?

Charles Pukit said...

Monthly BCC financial statements do not include cash flow statements. These are required by generally accepted accounting principles.

Why has our BOD insisted they be omitted?

Would the "missing" deposits cash have been discovered much sooner with cash flow statements available?

Unknown said...

At the June 10th Board Meeting, when questioned, Pete Shelton said that the 2008 audit would be ready to file "probably the following week". It is now two weeks after that "probable" date. I wonder IF it has been filed YET? With no Board meetings, we have no idea if this has actually happened.

Anonymous said...

As an original owner since 1974, I have seen so many rules and regulations go into effect (the latest one the Towing Rule) it makes people living there feel as if we are in a controlled prison like place. Who comes up with these at Bay Colony is not great anymore....

Unknown said...

How do we know what is posted in the Blog is the truth? Also, why do all comments have to be approved by the blog author? Should reader beware?

mustang said...

The latest item on the BCC web site has George Lauth thanking Saundra Zubko for finally dissolving the SRD and returning $139,000. I wonder why she would have the equivalent of over $200 per unit just lying around when the board says thay do not have funds to pay our empoyees.

Charles Pukit said...

In terms of what happened at the board meeting you can ask anyone who was there. ( i.e. Was there a manager’s report? Did Sam Slota attempt to skip over agenda item 2008 financial report until asked by a member of the audience? Was the towing sign agenda item discussed? Etc.) Statements of fact are what happened. I was there, and awake the whole time. If a statement is incorrect, I think corrective comments would be made and, if valid, I would enter a retraction.

Opinion is just that, my opinion. Opinion is clearly indicated by being in bold italics. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. That’s what the “comments” are for, so you can let us know yours.

Comments are reviewed before posting only to eliminate obscene, pornographic or libelous postings. Hopefully, once the blog is up and running, blog readers will police the comments and no pre-post review will be necessary.

Blog readers should certainly beware of a Board of Directors unwilling or unable to follow Florida law and intent on operating in secret while fumbling our $2+ mil budget. I don’t think what you read can hurt you.

Disgusted said...

So. Puckit has his Blog and Houston has her Watchdog. Neither is needed in our community. Both these people have nothing better to do than make trouble for our Board. Puckit quit the SRD board and left BCC in the lurch and Houston quit the Board TWICE. Puckit used to publish SOC and Houston used to publish Baywatch. Both rags were FULL of LIES and TWISTED Words and now their at it again. Our Board (with the exeption of two members who either miss lots of meetings or don't even turn up!) works very hard for our community, despite having to deal with an UNCOOPERATIVE OVERPAID manager. Puckit and Houston are the biggest trouble makers in BCC. These rabble rowsers should go find some traffic to play in or better yet move out if they don't like living here!

Charles Pukit said...

Disgusted's spirited defense of our Board of Directors has been posted unedited and uncut.

Beyond acknowledging that Disgusted is a fan of the board, if not a board member, no reasoned response seems necessary or possible.

Sad that such live among us.

dinkychuckle said...

This Board spends most of their time, harassing the manager and the service agent.
Pete, George and Sam go into the office and threatening to fire them. How cruel and unprofessional and CRUDE are these directors that are exposing us to a law suit?. Where did these people come from, who think that they can bully our employees and threaten to fire them. The employees must work in a hostile environment on a daily basis. THE EEOC has been notified and this is a very serious offence. We residents must insist that they will be held PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE WHEN THEY NEED A LAWYER. Our lawyer better not even think of giving them “free” advice on our dime.
It makes me wonder if the “few” party cronies that go along with them are aware how they secretly treat these women. Threats, loud demands, and sexual harassment charges will be filed with the EEOC because of the Crude excuses for business “men”.

BCC Resident said...

Defending this BOD and their failures is akin to saying "Govenor Sanford's trip to Argentina was good for South Carolina's tourist industry". This BOD and sound fiscal management have nothing in common. That we have a member willing to take the time and flack for providing access to vital information that the BOD attempts to hide from the residents is exceptional, as well as a great service for member who would otherwise be kept in the dark and fed a steady line of BS by the BOD. It would be beneficial for all members of the association to have access to this information. Great work Mr. Pukit.

dinkychuckle said...

To the BCC Community
I have e-mailed the Manager, Joanne, to offer a suggestion and ask a question.
Since the Mgr. is NOT ALLOWED to attend the BOD meetings, the reason is very transparent. Like her or not, she has information regarding our 2 1/2 million dollar budget.
I have asked her if she would forgo her comp time of 1 hour, once a month, and attend our meetings. We have questions that I am sure she would know the answers.
Every month I have asked the SRD treasurer and the CEO how much money is left in the SRD budget...both of them answered, "I have no idea!".....I think Joanne, as our manager could enlighten us.
If she agrees, what excuse will this board give for keeping her away? What do they have to hide.....Two directors, Wilbur and Bill Brady, want her there, but are out numbered by the rest of the Board.
Thank you,
Joyous Burkart

Anonymous said...

I agree with the majority in that Sam, Pete, George and Jason are doing things that they don't want us to know about. Why all the secrecy? Why a Confidentiality Agreement for employees when all the information is available as public record? They are spending our money foolishly but telling our employees we can't afford to give them pay raises. Why is Sam MIA and Pete is acting as President? I know that George is considered the President at this time, but when do you see him making a decision without consulting Pete?? If I were in town, I would be asking for copies of emails between Sam, Pete, and the manager. I would be asking for copies of official records pertaining to this Confidentiality Agreement as well. I don't want to be liable for something that these guys came up with on a drunken Saturday night!! Keep up the good work Charlie, and "Disgusted" you're just upset that our manager is HIGHLY QUALIFIED AND DOESN'T PLAY FAVORITES TO GET THINGS DONE. Intimidation from the likes of you have no bearing on THIS manager as the past ones, and it just bugs you. Sour grapes indeed.

Unknown said...

God - have we needed something like this Blog! For those who are intimidated by various BOD members (and supporters) it's ideal - you can stay anonymous or choose an alias ... but YOUR VOICE CAN BE HEARD! It's letting people out there in lala-land know that SOME residents are still alive, still thinking for themselves and maybe we can kick some butt this upcoming Election! We need to give these bad Board members the bum's rush.