- Was there a bunch of ballots removed at BCC before the election and after being delivered from the lawyer's office?
- Is there a detailed chain of custody for the ballots so we know who had them at all times?
- Anybody have more details on this? Please comment.
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Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Apparently there are serious questions regarding the validity of our last election of Directors. The blog could use a little help here from those in the know.
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BUD LAUER is the resident who is demanding the recount.
Yah - Bud who:
"rented" all the Rec. Halls to prevent a Candidate Night -
allowed Jason Dorfman to park 28 resale cars all over BCC as a cheap free parking lot -
broke our Docs and allowed LAND TRUSTS -
allowed Colleen to fire everybody in sight to out-source everything -
NEVER had BCC's best interests at heart - just his OWN twisted Agenda that benefitted himself -
allowed Colleen to pass info on foreclosures to his buddies to get listings -
Yeah - THAT Bud Lauer!
Joyous Burkart has sent out a totally misleading and lying e-mail to the community, claiming things that are NOT TRUE!
I checked it out after I got MY copy:
- The DBPR are NOT involved at all.
- There is NOT a "Record Recount Review" on Thursday - it is simply set up for ONE person to look at the records - under a watchful eye to see that NO ballot is changed or removed.
- The law does NOT say the ballots must remain ON THE PROPERTY - it says that the ballots must be kept for a year IN A SAFE PLACE - the ballots are being stored in a safety-deposit box at the bank across the corner. What could be safer than a safety deposit box?
I don't know what "dog in the fight" Joyous has in this matter, but she has a poison-pen computer. Why is she supporting someone that she aptly named "Bud The Dud"?
I guess it's NOT that she "loves" Bud so much - it's just that she HATES Saundra even more. I don't know what she has against Jim either - she used to suck up to HIM when he was on the SRD ... and she LOATHES Jack Israel.
Is there ANYBODY in here that she DOES like??? - other than her buddy Bruno?
If Bud is forced on the residents again as a Board member, it will be a real travesty of justice and BCC will suffer greatly.
Please = QUICK! - someone buy Joyous' damned unit (it's listed for sale!!!) and get her out of BCC!!!
Joyous Burkart has e-mailed out a very misleading message to all of Bay Colony residents. Why does she do this? We have a new management - FINALLY we got rid of the "bimbo virus"! - is she trying to "make a name" for herself with the new regime? This is NOT fair. Sam has just as much claim for election fraud as Bud - and he got more votes than Bud! but you don't see him making giant tidal waves to get his own way.
What I DON'T understand is why Joyous is blaming Board members Jim and Saundra - the fault lies entirely with the stupid lawyers that the last Board hired. They couldn't even read the names properly! They announced that BUD had won - when it was George instead ...both names start with "L-A-U-" and Jim and Saundra had NO hand in the election process - THEY were "out of the loop" and it was Jack, Bud, Phil and Malachy that decided to take it away from Saundra (as Secretary - who is supposed to run an Election) and give it to the lawyers. I guess Bud's plan didn't work like it did the previous year when he and Colleen rigged the election to get him back on the Board to protect HER job!
Joyous would rather see a REAL crook back on the Board instead of supporting a Board that has already started to repair the damage caused by Bud, Colleen and Jack.
Thank God we have new management and a new lawyer. Joyous - sell up and get out - you obviously hate the rest of BCC. Bud - get a life - I'm sure the new manager won't fall under your "manly"? charms!
Well, Charlie, you are up and running your smut again. Thank you Lord, Bev has a reason to live again! She is the one that tells everyone she hates it here.
Joyous is only moving downstairs in BCC. She is not going away, but your Buddy, Bev, needs to move to Tampa. She can write poison-pen letters from there. Let us not forget, it was Beverley, who wanted to teach this board how to forge names from the out of state and country residents to get the amendments passed. She is accusing Colleen and Bud of rigging last years election. Always accusing someone else when it is her that KNOWS how to do the rigging.......
BTW, Bev wrote these anon...
Not my smut. Just giving folks an opportunity to vent. What have you done for us lately?
Bud is the one who insisted on hiring the attorney to run the election (cost BCC mucho $$) and NOW is contesting the election!!!! Question is why does he want to be on the board so badly? What's in it for him? Residents don't want him, he lost the election and now has to get a life. Boo Hoo.
Nobody wanted Saundra, Jim or George either, but here they are again. Expect more contracts. Notice a new insurance company already?
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