THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013


It's bad enough that the bar code reader at the gate is not working properly and that our manager apparently doesn't give a damn.  (Colleen seems to find it beneath her to acknowledge receipt of emails when an acknowledgement is requested.  She's even less  likely to respond to owners' emails and/or phone calls.)

In addition, Security is so laid back that folks can park how and where they like without any problem.  The BOD members who hired these folks and defend their lousy performance should be voted out of office and shunned by the community.


Jack said...

Hmmm. Close. Think we need to call in the line judge.

Anonymous said...

Everything is a joke to this man!
I bet he runs for the board.
I bet he wants to be the President, control spending our money and also dictate what landscaping to throw away.A real dictator comes to mind

Anonymous said...

Yep - Joyous is back - making up for lost time. She REALLY hates Jack.

Charles Pukit said...

A little levity is always welcome. Some people don't like pink flamingos, reflecting balls or bird baths. It'll all be under water in 10 or 15 years anyway.....

Anonymous said...

Laugh all you want Jack, it's that attitude that put us in the pickle we're in now. I guess a little over the line is fine with you but then you're used to "bending" the rules. Maybe this driver came in late after being overserved at the bars? Have you considered that? Did security bother to follow them as I'm sure if they drove the way they parked, they weren't entirely sober. Maybe you'll laugh when someone finally gets hurt or killed. I guess "close" is good enough for you. The dumb manager we have, I guess she's "close enough" to running this place too. The landscaping you tore out, close enough to dead for you? Your attitude really stinks. No wonder blondie gets away with what she does, 10 am start time? I guess that's close enough for you too. Egads, get us a new board and manager STAT!

Anonymous said...

Why is Jack being nailed for Security's short-comings? I know!!!it's because he keeps sticking his scrawny neck out and gets it whacked every time. The rest of the Board keeps quiet - guess Jack is the sacrificial goat.
Our wonderfully stupid manager appointed BUD the Dud as liaison with Security - sort of like the blind leading the blind.
Shades of dumb and dumber!Name change anyone? Bay Colony Insane Asylum for starters - cuz we're ALL brain-dead to keep paying our maintenance money to pay for the Blond Bimbos.

Anonymous said...

It all goes back to Phil, Jack and Bud allowing and enabling the office to be incompetent. No supervision or training for vendors leaves them non-caring, unaware and incompetent. Methinks it isn't their fault but the fault of the manager and the 3 men allowing this to happen.

Anonymous said...

Aren't we jumping the gun here?
Motorcycles - REAL (noisy) ones, not just mopeds and scooters - are now coming in here after being banned for 40 years.
What happens when the Amendment Proxy comes back (if they ever get enough to make a valid 75% vote) and the community re-affirms their desire to NOT allow motorcycles - what happens to the ones with bar-codes?
Oh, I know, they have to get "grandfathered in" - just as the pets were.
I guess everybody who wants to bring their Peterbilt cab in, their roach coach, poptop camper, boat trailer, and their ATVs better do it before the Amendment vote gets finalized.
What is that old saying? "Possession is nine points of the law"? Well, he who jumps the gun, wins.
And BCC loses.
What a dumb-shit Board. They sure are a bunch of pussy-whipped patsies.

Jack said...

I said this on another string, but will say it again. Our lawyer, and evidently the firm before that, told us that it is not within the association's ability to create rules that deprive an individual of their right to own the kind of conveyance they want. We can ignore legal advice, but how much is it worth to residents to defend this stance? As a board member, I take the view that we need to follow our lawyer's advice to limit liability for BCC. We're not rolling in dough.

This is not to say we are helpless. We've also been advised that we can limit the unreasonable use of the common areas. So, yes, we can make rules about pool use. And,if people are bringing in campers, RVs, loud motorcycles, Peterbilt trucks, we can get rid of them.. I would be happy to know where they are and get them out of here. I actually got one RV tossed a few months ago. They don't belong in here because they are not "reasonable" given our small parking lots. Many of them could violate the "nuisance" provision in our by-laws. Let me know where the barcoded motorcycles are, and if they are mufferless Harleys, we'll get them out of here.

We can also deny access of obnoxious vehicles to guests and renters. That would cover a large swath, but the next board must take action to create an addendum to the rental agreement.

I supported the amendments and voted for them. But it takes 475 votes to pass, and that is unlikely.

We can continue to live in denial about our rules just like this country did for decades about slavery and a woman's right to vote. Or, we can work to tighten up the rules were we can and bring Security along so that they know exactly what to enforce.

Pussy-Whipped Patsy

Anonymous said...

I agree with one thing Jack said, we cannot overstep our authority. We don't live in an exclusive community where we are all millionaires who don't what our help drives, that's the community across the canal. We do and can, limit what drives in here to stay. Our previous boards were too concerned with self agendas to look forward and put limits in place. We will NEVER get 75% of any majority so face it folks, unless you move across the canal, this is as good as it gets.

Anonymous said...

Sure, we can get 480 votes. Ask Bev Houston. She says to forge the names and she knows just how to do it and told the Board so. Isn't she a real asset for this new Board. They promised her the official Mis-Informer if she spread her evil about the office and other people running. Good choice Board. Make us proud.

Mary C. said...

Hmmm - shows just how much Joyous knows! At the Organizational meeting Jack announced that HE was going to do an official newsletter for BCC.
Why would Bev worry about doing an "official" newsletter? She's doing quite well with what shes already doing. She doesn't need board authorization to do it either.
Joyous - when you ASSUME - you make an ASS out of U and ME - and thank god I'm a little more on the ball than you. What a pity you have no real life.
Your like someone who stirs up an ant hill with a stick just to watch the little critters run aimlessly. You sit back and smile. ""Your Job Is Done". Thats all you have left in life - making it miserable for everyone else.
And you know what? None of us gives a damn what you think. You have absolutely NO credibility left in BCC. Youve dragged this Blog down to your level and stomped on it. No-one pays much attention to the blog anymore - not when its full of your rantings and ravings. Most people don't read it anymore - unless they want a laugh before going to bed at night.
God - I'd hate to be trapped forever in a black twisted nind like you have. I'd WELCOME death!