Originally Published 1/22/12
On September 18, 2008 Sam Slota, then President of the Bay Colony Club BOD, secretly signed a contract with communications Consulting Group (CCG) obligating BCC to pay more than $120,000 for their services. This "consultant" tied us into a ridiculous, over priced, ten year deal with Comcast. (The video industry is developing so fast that in ten years, there may not be any cable TV.)
2. The compensation to CCG was misrepresented by CCG and not pointed out by Slota.
3. According to BCC's attorney; "...CCG committed fraud when it presented itself to the owners at the Board meeting, just as (Slota) committed the same fraud by allowing that presentation without correcting the compensation."
4. At the Board meeting of October 22, 2009 a motion to remove Slota as BOD President was defeated when Slota, George Lauth and Pete Shelton voted against it.
5. At the January 21, 2010 Board meeting our BOD approved a $60,000 payment to CCG thereby ratifying and approving Slota's secret deal and preventing any civil and/or criminal actions against Slota and CCG. Board members voting to rescue Slota from his indefensible position were: Harriet Gustafson, Pete Shelton, Saundra Zubko and Slota himself.
In March, 2002 then BOD President Slota convinced his Board to impose an illegal (non-emergency) $384,000 assessment. The assessment generated a legal challenge which ended with a judgement that the special assessment was, in fact, illegal and not authorized by the BCC Documentation. The legal process dragged on for 4 years and generated tens of thousands of dollars in legal bills which the BCC owners had to pay.
It is not in Bay Colony Club's best interests to have Slota or any of his defenders and enablers (Harriet Gustafson, George Lauth, Pete Shelton, Saundra Zubko) on any future Board or committee.
I'd be careful here. This guy looks familiar, didn't he have a spot in Chicago running booze and shooting them dead?
Listen folks, you need to pay attention to thems you vet, for their hands go into your pockets. Community politics isn't a spectator sport, the consequences can be painful if your apathy and sloth define your participation, Charles here can't do it alone.
Remember who silently rowed to the Charlston shore. For the country folk to be up and armed.
You need to engage and be somebody!
When sam was on the bod they operated the bcc community on 120,000 dollars less maint. and left a carry over of over 250,000$ perhaps he left money in every residents poket.
An for the comcast contract any resident short of charlie best contract bcc has never had the community at heart knows real community savings How much did bod get with prior 5 year contract ===========some bcc residents don't know a good deal when hits them in the face---Name to the caring residents good things charlie has done for community beside sue over trivial issues!!!!
Anonymous you have a real short and selective memory. Charlie Pukit ran the effort to re-finance the Rec District Bond and set up the eventual dissolution of the Rec District. This saved BCC owners hundreds of thousands of dollars. Would have been more savings except for Zubko's sabotage of the dissolution effort.
Charlie also sued to prevent feckless Sam Slota from imposing an illegal special (non-emergency) assessment. Had this been allowed to pass unchallenged, Sam and his ilk would have us facing special assessments every other year. (Laches is no defense after the judge in the first trial ruled special assessments are only legal in actual emergencies.) Can't invoke laches on this baby. Count on any phoney "emergency" special assessment being challenged again in court Sam.
Charlie Pukit also let BCC owners know that our BCC attorneys called Sam's secret contract with the TV cable "consultant" FRAUD.
Let's see you explain FRAUD away.
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