THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BAY COLONY CLUB CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. This blog was created to help Bay Colony Club Condominium (BCC) owners, resident non-owners, and employees know what’s happening in BCC. Any reader can comment on any of the articles by clicking on the “comments” below the article. The blog author is not responsible for any comments made by blog readers and may or may not agree with any or all comments. Please click on “Disclaimer” in the left-hand column before proceeding further.

All comments (both pro and con) are welcome and can be signed or anonymous.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Membership Meeting & Amendment Vote 

So, major proposed changes in our BCC Documents managed to rouse a grand total of 38 people from their torpor.  Assuming that at least eight attendees were part of a couple, at most 30 apartments were represented at the meeting.  Whoopee!  4.7% of the owners cared enough to show up at a meeting with major significance. 

Predictably, not enough proxies were returned to reach a quorum.  Plans are to keep shaking the bushes until, one way or another, a quorum is reached and then put through the changes.

  •  Return those proxies!
  •  Vote!
  •  Or, "somebody" may vote for you...

Board of Directors' Meeting

The only subject drawing your blogger's interest was the unanimous vote to spend $10,809 for ice makers in Recs 2 & 3.  Recalling the undercover 2010 installation of an ice maker in Rec 1, and thinking $5,405 each was a lot to pay for cranking out cubes, we investigated. 

We need not only an ice maker, which will make cubes, but an ice distributor which will cough them into a glass.  Distributors cost about as much as the ice maker itself .  A distributor is required in order to keep your funky neighbors from chilling their beer and wine in the ice bin, fondling the cubes and/or soaking their feet among them.

Nevertheless, we feel the money would be better spent on flowering perennials which everyone could enjoy and which would go further in increasing our property values.  Potential buyers will note explosive displays of bougainvillea sooner than ice makers.  People can drink at 1 & 4 or bring their own coolers with ice to 2 & 3.

For additional details, go to:

After clicking on the link above, you can read Bev Houston's latest Informer for BOD meeting details.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


We have contacted BCC’s office many times over the past year via email and phone.  No one ever picked up the phone.  We always have to leave a voice mail message.  We have never  had any response to phone calls or to emails.  

Although received and read receipts are always requested when I send emails to the BCC office, the office has never acknowledged receipt of or reading the email.

The tree outside our apartment has been leaning for over a year.  The office was first contacted Oct 31, 2011 with followups October, 25 2012 and November 9, 2012.  There has been no response from the BCC office and no action taken (not even putting the support stakes back in the ground.)  Jack Israel did email me November 10 that he was looking into it.   Meanwhile, nothing has been done.  The next good blow from the East will certainly take this tree down and be an additional and unnecessary expense for all of us.

Has anyone else found it impossible to get action or a response from the office?  Am I being singled out for special attention or are other owners being ignored? 

As far as we are concerned, performance by the office staff has been totally unsatisfactory.  I would like the hiring of a new manager or management service to be an agenda item at the NEXT BOD meeting.  If you feel the same way, contact the Board members (and remind them of the upcoming election.) 

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Just got our "Notice of Membership Meeting & Amendment Vote". 

There was no random number on the return envelope and the ballot was not printed on safety paper.  Is this just an oversight?  Are we going back to the ballot stuffing that was common before these steps were introduced?  

Why not take two simple steps to eliminate any possibility of fraud?

Failure to provide the random number and safety paper is an invitation to those unhappy with the results to contest the vote.  And, no matter which way the votes go, there are going to be plenty of unhappy owners.

Is this really what we want?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The proposed 2012 budget offered by our Board shows an unwarranted 4.5% increase in the office payroll.

Our experience with the present office staff has not been satisfactory.  They do not respond to emails and do not answer phone calls  They have set up an office schedule to suit themselves rather than owners who pay their salary and the Realtors who are trying to make a living.

The office staff's performance calls for their replacement, not an unwarranted pay increase.

What has been your experience and what is your opinion on the pay increase?

Monday, October 15, 2012


Total # 2 BR for sale:  8
High         $259,990
Low          $189,000
Median      $231,950

Sold 2 BR YTD:  17      LP/SP*         Days on Market
High         $200,000          84%                60
Low          $145,100           100%                 6
Median    $165,000           92%                  118

Total # 1 BR for sale:  3
High      $147,990
Low       $139,000
Median  $141,000

Sold 1 BR YTD:  3          LP/SP*         Days on Market

High       $111,000                96%                106                                                                            
Low        $87,000                  79%                9
Median  $104,000                89%                20       
*LP/SP = Sales Price divided by Listing Price, or what % of the listing price was actually paid.

Information provided by Margaret Matinale, Lic. Associate Broker, Galleria  International Realty, 954-298-2527, fax: 954-771-7367, email:

Friday, October 12, 2012


Some anonymous contributors have used the blog "Comments" feature to try and publish personal attacks on other BCC owners, Board members and employees.  Totally unsubstantiated allegations of various improper, immoral, unlikely and/or impossible acts have been received.

The blog is maintained as an informational source for readers and a platform for publishing concerns and complaints about BCC and BCC's operation.  Comments which are anonymous or use an alias and contain personal attacks or unsubstantiated allegations will not be published.  Concerns, complaints and opinions about BCC's operation are always welcome, anonymous or signed.

If you want to malign  or accuse somebody, sign it with your name and/or provide hard evidence.

Sometimes things slip through, so, if you feel you've been the victim of a published personal attack, please let us know.